IIS 7 Managed Modules

In addition to native modules, IIS 7.0 ships with several modules developed using managed code. Some of the managed modules, such as UrlAuthorization, have a native module counterpart that provides a native alternative to the managed module. Although modules developed using native code are generally faster and more efficient with memory and other system resources, native code modules can often be a less time-consuming and flexible alternative to develop. Note that managed modules require that the ManagedEngine module be installed.

The following table lists the managed modules that ship with IIS 7.0:

AnonymousIdentification. Manages anonymous identifiers, which are used by features that support anonymous identification such as ASP.NET profile.

DefaultAuthentication. Provides an authentication object to the context when no other authentication method succeeds.

FileAuthorization.Verifies that a user has permission to access the requested file.

FormsAuthentication. Supports authentication by using Forms authentication.

OutputCache. A managed code alternative to the native HttpCacheModule.

Profile. Manages user profiles by using ASP.NET profile, which stores and retrieves user settings in a data source such as a database.

RoleManager. Manages a RolePrincipal instance for the current user.

Session. Supports maintaining the session state, which enables storage of data specific to a single client within an application on the server. Note that without this module, the session state will be unavailable in your applications.

UrlAuthorization. Determines whether the current user is permitted access to the requested URL, based on the user name or the list of roles that a user is a member of.

UrlMappingsModule. Supports configurable mapping of a real URL to a more user-friendly URL (that is, URL Rewrite).

WindowsAuthentication. Sets the identity of the user for an ASP.NET application when Windows authentication is enabled.

Almost all of the feature set of IIS that was implemented as part of the core web server system in previous versions is now delivered as a set of modular plug-in components.

Components can be installed or removed as needed, thus streamlining the server workload and customizing to the specific application. Since this modular structure is based on the worker process object, this customization can be applied to any level, from discrete applications to the global web server environment.

Source of Information : Wrox Professional IIS 7


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