Blogging has become an important way for people to share experiences with friends or the world at large. Web sites that host blogs provide word processing capabilities, but they are often simplistic. That’s where Word 2007 can come in. It may seem like a strange idea to use Word to write your blog posts, but there are a few reasons to consider it. If you are new to blogging and familiar with Word, you can stay with the application you know. Also, Word offers many more formatting features than are normally available in an online editor. Finally, Word lets you focus on what you want to say with a minimum of coding concerns.

Create A Post
Click the Office button, click New, and double-click New Blog Post. A blank document appears. If you haven’t already registered Word with a blog account, then the Register A Blog Account dialog box will open. You can choose Register Now or Register Later, but for now, click the Office Online link to see how the supported blog providers work with Word 2007. Word 2007 explicitly supports: WordPress (free;, Blogger (free;, Windows Live Spaces (free;, Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (for businesses), Community Server (prices vary;, and TypePad (prices vary; If your blog provider isn’t listed, it still may work with Word 2007. Word supports most sites that use either the Atom or MetaWeblog API (application programming interface). We will look at setting up the provider later. Return to Word and click Register Later.

Blog Tabs
A blank page appears with the field Enter Post Title Here at the top. Notice that the Ribbon contains Blog Post and Insert tabs. The Blog area of the Blog Post tab contains the functions needed to publish a blog post created in Word and to create and manage your blog provider accounts. The Insert tab contains a few areas, the largest of which is Illustrations. Of the functions on this tab, you’ll probably most often use Picture, to insert images, and Hyperlink, to create links. Click in the Enter Post Title Here area and type a title for the blog post. Now click below the horizontal line and compose your blog. Use any of the formatting tools available on the Ribbon.

Post Your Blog
Now that you have something to post, you will need to upload it to your blog host. If you don’t have an account, we recommend WordPress or Blogger to get started, because both are free and easy to set up. We will use WordPress as an example, but the process is similar for all the services. You will need to know your blog’s username and password and, in some cases, the URL of your blog. Click the Blog Post tab on the Ribbon and then click the arrow under the Publish button and select Publish As Draft. Publishing as a draft lets you preview the blog entry before it goes live. You can use Publish to turn the blog post live right away. Click Register An Account in the Registering A Blog Account dialog box. Click the drop-down list and choose WordPress (or another provider you already have set up) and then click Next. The New WordPress Account dialog box opens. In the top box, type or paste the URL of the blog between the brackets and then delete the brackets. For example, if your blog address is, the entry should look like this: Type in your username and password and click the Picture Options button. Choose My Blog Provider from the drop-down list and click OK. Click OK again. Click Yes to confirm that you’d like to post the entry, and you should see a message at the top of your entry saying it has been posted. Now log on to your blog site and preview the post. It may look slightly different than it did in Word. This is because the templates that blog providers use have some rules of presentation that override Word’s. Make any necessary adjustments and then publish your post for the world to see.

Source of Information : Smart Computing / January 2009


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