Understanding When to Use Cocoa - Carbon

Cocoa is not the only way of developing for OS X and is not always the best choice. This section will look at some of the alternatives and when they might be used. The choice of development framework is not always an either-or choice. You can mix Cocoa, Carbon, and other frameworks in the same application, with some limitations. You can also mix languages, developing the performance-critical parts of your application in C or Objective-C and the rest in a higher-level scripting language.

Before Mac OS X, there was Classic MacOS (called Apple System for most of its life, and Mac OS for the last few releases). This dated back to 1984 and contained a lot of incremental updates along the way. It was ported from Motorola’s 68000 series architecture to Apple, IBM, and Motorola’s PowerPC and contained an emulator for running old code. The early PowerPC machines were slower than the fastest Motorola 68040 machines at the time because much of the operating system and most of the applications ran in emulation.

The first versions contained user interface routines in ROM, known as the Macintosh Toolbox. This was replaced with a version loaded into RAM in later models, when RAM became more plentiful. When it became clear that MacOS was going to be retired, the days of the Toolbox were numbered. To ease the transition, Apple released a cleaned-up version of the API called Carbon. This ran on MacOS 8.1 and later. The Carbon APIs and the old Toolbox shared a large common subset. For some applications, switching from Toolbox to Carbon was a simple recompile, while for most it required a set of relatively minor changes. This process was known colloquially as carbonization.

Carbon and Cocoa were both supported as first-class citizens on OS X 10.0. Some core applications, such as the Finder, were written in Carbon. Early versions had some limitations, such as the inability to access services from Carbon. Mixing Carbon and Cocoa was also difficult, since they had different event models. These limitations were gradually removed. For a long time it looked as if Carbon would be a permanent fixture of OS X.

The change came in 2007, when it was announced that Carbon would not be making the switch to 64 bit. Apple had released 64-bit CPUs earlier in the form of the PowerPC G5. With the PowerPC architecture, it makes little sense for most code to be 64 bit. Pointers become longer (increasing cache usage), but there are few other differences. After the switch to Intel, however, this changed. The x86-64 architecture contains a number of improvements over the 32-bit version, including faster calling conventions, a simpler memory model, more registers, and better floating-point support.

Although Carbon is not going away, it is relegated to the ghettos of Mac OS X. One of the improvements for OS X 10.6 is a rewritten, Cocoa, Finder, replacing the old Carbon Finder with a new Cocoa one. XCode 3.2, which shipped with OS X 10.6, no longer has project templates for Carbon applications, frameworks, and so on, and very few of the newer features are exposed to Carbon. This, effectively, makes Cocoa the only “native” application framework for OS X. Carbon is now only recommended when porting applications from Mac OS 9 or earlier, and there are very few of these still around that are worth porting but haven’t been.

The Apple documentation sometimes uses the term “Carbon” to describe any C APIs on OS X and not just those that are part of the Carbon framework. The same inconsistent usage applies to Cocoa, which sometimes refers to just the Foundation and Application Kit frameworks and sometimes any Objective-C libraries on OS X. Some parts of OS X are still only accessible via C APIs. These are not going to go away; it is only the Carbon framework that is disappearing.

Source of Information : Addison Wesley - Cocoa Programming Developers Handbook (December 2009)


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