Cmdlets Use Standard Parameters

As noted earlier, commands used in traditional command-line interfaces do not generally have consistent parameter names. Sometimes parameters do not have names at all. When they do, they are often single-character or abbreviated words that can be typed rapidly but are not easily understood by new users.

Unlike most other traditional command-line interfaces, Windows PowerShell processes parameters directly, and uses this direct access to the parameters along with developer guidance to standardize parameter names. Although this does not guarantee that every cmdlet will always conform to the standards, it does encourage it.

Parameter names always have a '-' prepended to them when you use them, to allow Windows PowerShell to clearly identify them as parameters. In the Get-Command -Name Clear-Host example, the parameter's name is Name, but it is entered as -Name.
Here are some of the general characteristics of the standard parameter names and usages.

The Help Parameter (?)
When you specify the -? parameter to any cmdlet, the cmdlet is not executed. Instead, Windows PowerShell displays help for the cmdlet.

Common Parameters
Windows PowerShell has several parameters known as common parameters. Because these parameters are controlled by the Windows PowerShell engine, whenever they are implemented by a cmdlet, they will always behave the same way. The common parameters are WhatIf, Confirm, Verbose, Debug, Warn, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, OutVariable, and OutBuffer.

Suggested Parameters
The Windows PowerShell core cmdlets use standard names for similar parameters. Although the use of parameter names is not enforced, there is explicit guidance for usage to encourage standardization.

For example, the guidance recommends naming a parameter that refers to a computer by name as ComputerName, rather than Server, Host, System, Node, or other common alternative words. Among the important suggested parameter names are Force, Exclude, Include, PassThru, Path, and CaseSensitive.

Source of Information : Windows PowerShell™ Primer


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