WCF Data Services and AtomPub

WCF Data Services (formerly known as Astoria) is a data-access framework that allows you to create and consume data via REST-based APIs from your existing data sources (such as SQL Server databases) using HTTP.

Rather than creating a whole new protocol for the Table service API, the Windows Azure team built the REST-based APIs using WCF Data Services. Although not all aspects of the Data Services framework have been implemented, the Table service supports a large subset of the framework.

One of the major advantages of WCF Data Services is that if you’re already familiar with the framework, getting started with the Windows Azure Table service is pretty easy. Even if you haven’t used the WCF Data Services previously, any knowledge gained from developing against Windows Azure storage will help you with future development that may use the framework.

WCF Data Services provides a set of standard client libraries that abstract away the complexities of the underlying REST APIs and allow you to interact with services in a standard fashion regardless of the underlying service. Whether you’re using WCF Data Services with the Windows Azure Table service or SQL Server, your client-side code will be pretty much the same. Using these libraries to communicate with the Table service allows you to develop simple standard code against the Table service quickly.

The Windows Azure Table service uses the WCF Data Services implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) to interact with the Table service. AtomPub is an HTTP-based REST-like protocol that allows you to publish and edit resources. AtomPub is often used by blog services and content management systems to allow the editing of resources (articles and blog postings) by third-party clients. Windows Live Writer is a well-known example of a blog client that uses AtomPub to publish articles to various blog platforms (Blogspot, WordPress, Windows Live Spaces, and the like). In the case of Windows Azure storage accounts, tables and entities are all considered as resources.

Although WCF Data Services can support other serialization formats (such as JSON) the Table service implementation of WCF Data Services only supports AtomPub.

If you’re interested in reading more about the AtomPub protocol (RFC 5023) you can read the full specification here: http://bitworking.org/projects/atom/rfc5023.html.

Now that you have a basic awareness of AtomPub, we can look at how the AtomPub protocol and the Atom document format are used to create a table using the Table service REST API.

Source of Information : Manning Azure in Action 2010


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