Cocoa is a large and important part of development on Mac OS X, but it is not the only part. It is important to understand how it fits in to the larger picture. As a developer, you can choose to ignore most of the details of the layers underneath Cocoa, but understanding them will help you to write better programs.

Cocoa is the top level of the application developer’s stack. It provides two, layered, frameworks: Foundation and AppKit. The first provides standard data types, such as strings, and collection classes. It also includes a lot of lower level functionality, such as interfaces to the filesystem and the network. One of the most powerful parts of Foundation is the Distributed Objects framework. This uses the proxy facilities of Objective-C and the serialization capabilities of the Foundation objects to allow different objects running in different processes, or on different machines, to interact as if they were local. The most important part of the Foundation library is the memory management code. Prior to OpenStep, NeXT code used a C-like allocate and free mechanism, where objects all had an owner and needed to be explicitly freed by this owner.

Tracking ownership was a major source of bugs. With OpenStep, objects maintained an internal reference count, making this a much simpler problem. Reference counting isn’t perfect, and recent versions of Cocoa incorporate a tracing garbage collector. This doesn’t completely eliminate memory management problems— even some of Apple’s own applications still manage to leak memory—but it can make life a lot easier.
On top of this is the Application Kit, or AppKit for short. This contains all of the GUI-related code and a lot of other things. It is closely integrated with the Foundation framework, and there are lots of examples of classes declared in Foundation and either extended or wrapped in AppKit. One such example is the run loop. NSRunLoop is a class defined in Foundation that handles a simple loop calling methods on objects in each iteration. In AppKit, this is extended by having the application object handle event delivery for each run-loop iteration.

Another case is the NSAttributedString class. This is defined in Foundation as a simple class that stores mappings from ranges in a string to dictionaries of attributes. In Foundation, the attributes are arbitrary key-value pairs. AppKit extends this by defining meanings for certain keys, such as the “font” key for the typeface of the text range. A large number of other frameworks are now included under the slightly amorphous Cocoa brand. Some of these relate to system integration, such as the Address Book framework. This provides support for storing arbitrary data about people, allowing instant messaging, email, and other communication tools to share a single store. Others, such as Core Data, make managing data in your application easier.

The term Cocoa is used to mean two things. The Cocoa framework is a simple wrapper that includes just the Foundation and AppKit frameworks. Often, however, people who say“Cocoa”mean“Objective-C frameworks included with OS X.” There are a huge number of these and an even bigger collection of third-party frameworks available to developers.

Source of Information : Addison Wesley - Cocoa Programming Developers Handbook (December 2009)


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