While Quartz provides the low-level display primitives, Core Foundation provides low-level data manipulation primitives. Both Cocoa and Carbon use Core Foundation for a number of things, including representing strings and collections. When you inspect a Cocoa object in the debugger, you may find that the real object has a CF prefix, instead of (or in addition to) the NS prefix. This is because Core Foundation implements a simple version of the Objective-C object model for C, and some of the common objects are implemented in this way. This allows them to be used easily as C opaque types in Carbon and as Objective-C objects in Cocoa. You can see this when you create an Objective-C string object. This appears in your code as an instance of the NSString class, but in the debugger as an NSCFString. A C programmer will create these using macros and will see them as instances of the CFString opaque type. The phrase toll-free bridge is used to describe this arrangement. This means that you can pass the Cocoa and Core Foundation objects to functions or methods that expect the other form, and it will all work without any additional overhead. There is some deep voodoo used to implement this in practice. Core Foundation objects all have their class pointer set to a value less than 0xFFFF, and the message dispatch functions treat these values as special.

Every Objective-C object is a structure whose first element is a pointer to the class. This is used by the message sending functions to look up the correct method to call. Core Foundation types set this pointer to a value that is invalid as a pointer, allowing their methods to be called by message sending functions or directly. Unlike Objective-C methods, Core Foundation functions take the object, but not the selector (method name), as arguments. This means that some of the more advanced features of Objective-C, such as message forwarding, are unavailable to Core Foundation types. The Core Foundation functions are used directly from Carbon applications, and Cocoa developers can use equivalent methods. A number of parts of the userland, such as Launchd, make use of Core Foundation. All of the data types that can be serialized in property lists are implemented by Core Foundation, allowing pure C applications to be use property lists created by Cocoa applications. This is relatively common in OS X, where system damons use Core Foundation but the GUIs responsible for their configuration use Cocoa. In the Core Foundation documentation, you will often see the term “class” used in relation to Core Foundation types. This means roughly the same thing that it does for Objective-C. The biggest difference is that a Core Foundation class is purely an abstract concept; it has no run-time existence. You can get a pointer to an Objective-C class and inspect it, but a Core Foundation class is identified by an integer and all of its behavior is hard-coded.

In addition to the full version of Core Foundation, Apple have released an open source subset of it, called CFLite. This does not implement the toll-free bridging support, since this is a feature of the Apple Objective-C runtime; however, it does implement all of the C APIs. This means that code that only uses the Core Foundation libraries can be ported to other platforms relatively easily. Note, however, that CFLite is not used by GNUstep, and so it does not aid in porting code that mixes Core Foundation and Cocoa calls, unless the objects used for each are entirely separate.

Source of Information : Addison Wesley - Cocoa Programming Developers Handbook (December 2009)


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