Overview of jQuery

jQuery is not a Microsoft product. The jQuery library was created by John Resig, who released jQuery under both the MIT and GPL open source licenses. The official jQuery website is located at jQuery.com. Although jQuery is not a Microsoft product, Microsoft is including the jQuery library in future versions of the ASP.NET framework (both ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Forms). The jQuery library is included in the Scripts folder of the Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC template. Why is Microsoft including jQuery with the ASP.NET framework? jQuery is an extremely popular JavaScript library. It is used by several major websites including Dell, Netflix, and Technorati. Furthermore, jQuery has a passionate and active developer community.

To make it easier to use this popular JavaScript library, the members of the Microsoft ASP.NET team decided to embrace jQuery and treat it much like any other Microsoft product. Microsoft provides “best-effort” product support for jQuery. This means that if you encounter an issue when using jQuery, you can call Microsoft product support and get help.

Including the jQuery Library
Before you can use jQuery in your ASP.NET MVC views, you must reference the jQuery library. The Scripts folder includes two versions of the jQuery library:
. jQuery-1.3.2.js
. jQuery-1.3.2.min.js

The first version of the jQuery library is the debug version, and the second version is the release version. The release version is minified; all insignificant whitespace and comments have been stripped to reduce the size of the file. The debug version of the jQuery library is 125KB whereas the release version is (an astoundingly small) 58KB. While in the process of developing an ASP.NET MVC, you should use the debug version of jQuery to make it easier to find errors. When you are ready to release your application to the world, make sure that you use the release version of the jQuery library.

Source of Information : Sams ASP .NET MVC Framework Unleashed


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