Bjarne: Some key questions soon emerge:
• What problem would the new language solve?
• Who would it solve problems for?
• What dramatically new could be provided (compared to every existing language)?
• Could the new language be effectively deployed (in a world with many well-supported languages)?
• Would designing a new language simply be a pleasant distraction from the hard work of helping people build better real-world tools and systems?
So far, I have not been able to answer those questions to my satisfaction.
That doesn’t mean that I think that C++ is the perfect language of its kind. It is not; I’m convinced that you could design a language about a tenth of the size of C++ (whichever way you measure size) providing roughly what C++ does. However, there has to be more to a new language that just doing what an existing language can, but slightly better and slightly more elegantly.
What do the lessons about the invention, further development, and adoption of your
language say to people developing computer systems today and in the foreseeable
Bjarne: That’s a big question: can we learn from history? If so, how? What kind of lessons can we learn? During the early development of C++, I articulated a set of “rules of thumb,” which you can find in The Design and Evolution of C++ [Addison-Wesley], and also discussed in my two HOPL papers. Clearly, any serious language design project needs a set of principles, and as soon as possible, these principles need to be articulated. That’s actually a conclusion from the C++ experience: I didn’t articulate C++’s design principles early enough and didn’t get those principles understood widely enough. As a result, many people invented their own rationales for C++’s design; some of those were pretty amazing and led to much confusion. To this day, some see C++ as little more than a failed attempt to design something like Smalltalk (no, C++ was not supposed to be “like Smalltalk”; it follows the Simula model of OO), or as nothing but an attempt to remedy some flaws in C for writing C-style code (no, C++ was not supposed to be just C with a few tweaks).
The purpose of a (nonexperimental) programming language is to help build good systems. It follows that notions of system design and language design are closely related. My definition of “good” in this context is basically “correct, maintainable, and providing acceptable resource usage.” The obvious missing component is “easy to write,” but for the kind of systems I think most about, that’s secondary. “RAD development” is not my ideal. It can be as important to say what is not a primary aim as to state what is. For example, I have nothing against rapid development—nobody in their right mind wants to spend more time than necessary on a project—but I’d rather have lack of restrictions on application areas and performance. My aim for C++ was and is direct expression of ideas, resulting in code that can be efficient in time and space.
C and C++ have provided stability over decades. That has been immensely important to their industrial users. I have small programs that have been essentially unchanged since the early 80s. There is a price to pay for such stability, but languages that don’t provide it are simply unsuitable for large, long-lived projects. Corporate languages and languages that try to follow trends closely tend to fail miserably here, causing a lot of misery along the way.
This leads to thinking about how to manage evolution. How much can be changed? What is the granularity of change? Changing a language every year or so as new releases of a product are released is too ad hoc and leads to a series of de facto subsets, discarded libraries and language features, and/or massive upgrade efforts. Also, a year is simply not sufficient gestation period for significant features, so the approach leads to half-baked solutions and dead ends. On the other hand, the 10-year cycle of ISO standardized languages, such as C and C++, is too long and leads to parts of the community (including parts of the committee) fossilizing.
A successful language develops a community: the community shares techniques, tools, and libraries. Corporate languages have an inherent advantage here: they can buy market share with marketing, conferences, and “free” libraries. This investment can pay off in terms of others adding significantly, making the community larger and more vibrant. Sun’s efforts with Java showed how amateurish and underfinanced every previous effort to establish a (more or less) general-purpose language had been. The U.S. Department of Defense’s efforts to establish Ada as a dominant language was a sharp contrast, as were the unfinanced efforts by me and my friends to establish C++.
I can’t say that I approve of some of the Java tactics, such as selling top-down to nonprogramming executives, but it shows what can be done. Noncorporate successes include the Python and Perl communities. The successes at community building around C++ have been too few and too limited, given the size of the community. The ACCU conferences are great, but why haven’t there been a continuous series of huge international C++ conferences since 1986 or so? The Boost libraries are great, but why hasn’t there been a central repository for C++ libraries since 1986 or so? There are thousands of open source C++ libraries in use. I don’t even know of a comprehensive list of commercial C++ libraries. I won’t start answering those questions, but will just point out that any new language must somehow manage the centrifugal forces in a large community, or suffer pretty severe consequences.
A general-purpose language needs the input from and approval of several communities, such as, industrial programmers, educators, academic researchers, industrial researchers, and the open source community. These communities are not disjoint, but individual subcommunities often see themselves as self-sufficient, in possession of knowledge of what is right and in conflict with other communities that for some reason “don’t get it.” This can be a significant practical problem. For example, parts of the open source community have opposed the use of C++ because “it’s a Microsoft language” (it isn’t) or “AT&T owns it” (it doesn’t), whereas some major industrial players have considered it a problem with C++ that they don’t own it.
This really crucial problem here is that many subcommunities push a limited and parochial view of “what programming really is” and “what is really needed”: “if everybody just did things the right way, there’d be no problem.” The real problem is to balance the various needs to create a larger and more varied community. As people grow and face new challenges, the generality and flexibility of a language start to matter more than providing optimal solutions to a limited range of problems.
To get to technical points, I still think that a flexible, extensible, and general static type system is great. My reading of the C++ experience reinforces that view. I am also very keen on genuine local variables of user-defined types: the C++ techniques for handling general resources based on scoped variables have been very effective compared to just about anything. Constructors and destructors, often used together with RAII, can yield very elegant and efficient code.
Source of Information : Oreilly - Masterminds of Programming
• What problem would the new language solve?
• Who would it solve problems for?
• What dramatically new could be provided (compared to every existing language)?
• Could the new language be effectively deployed (in a world with many well-supported languages)?
• Would designing a new language simply be a pleasant distraction from the hard work of helping people build better real-world tools and systems?
So far, I have not been able to answer those questions to my satisfaction.
That doesn’t mean that I think that C++ is the perfect language of its kind. It is not; I’m convinced that you could design a language about a tenth of the size of C++ (whichever way you measure size) providing roughly what C++ does. However, there has to be more to a new language that just doing what an existing language can, but slightly better and slightly more elegantly.
What do the lessons about the invention, further development, and adoption of your
language say to people developing computer systems today and in the foreseeable
Bjarne: That’s a big question: can we learn from history? If so, how? What kind of lessons can we learn? During the early development of C++, I articulated a set of “rules of thumb,” which you can find in The Design and Evolution of C++ [Addison-Wesley], and also discussed in my two HOPL papers. Clearly, any serious language design project needs a set of principles, and as soon as possible, these principles need to be articulated. That’s actually a conclusion from the C++ experience: I didn’t articulate C++’s design principles early enough and didn’t get those principles understood widely enough. As a result, many people invented their own rationales for C++’s design; some of those were pretty amazing and led to much confusion. To this day, some see C++ as little more than a failed attempt to design something like Smalltalk (no, C++ was not supposed to be “like Smalltalk”; it follows the Simula model of OO), or as nothing but an attempt to remedy some flaws in C for writing C-style code (no, C++ was not supposed to be just C with a few tweaks).
The purpose of a (nonexperimental) programming language is to help build good systems. It follows that notions of system design and language design are closely related. My definition of “good” in this context is basically “correct, maintainable, and providing acceptable resource usage.” The obvious missing component is “easy to write,” but for the kind of systems I think most about, that’s secondary. “RAD development” is not my ideal. It can be as important to say what is not a primary aim as to state what is. For example, I have nothing against rapid development—nobody in their right mind wants to spend more time than necessary on a project—but I’d rather have lack of restrictions on application areas and performance. My aim for C++ was and is direct expression of ideas, resulting in code that can be efficient in time and space.
C and C++ have provided stability over decades. That has been immensely important to their industrial users. I have small programs that have been essentially unchanged since the early 80s. There is a price to pay for such stability, but languages that don’t provide it are simply unsuitable for large, long-lived projects. Corporate languages and languages that try to follow trends closely tend to fail miserably here, causing a lot of misery along the way.
This leads to thinking about how to manage evolution. How much can be changed? What is the granularity of change? Changing a language every year or so as new releases of a product are released is too ad hoc and leads to a series of de facto subsets, discarded libraries and language features, and/or massive upgrade efforts. Also, a year is simply not sufficient gestation period for significant features, so the approach leads to half-baked solutions and dead ends. On the other hand, the 10-year cycle of ISO standardized languages, such as C and C++, is too long and leads to parts of the community (including parts of the committee) fossilizing.
A successful language develops a community: the community shares techniques, tools, and libraries. Corporate languages have an inherent advantage here: they can buy market share with marketing, conferences, and “free” libraries. This investment can pay off in terms of others adding significantly, making the community larger and more vibrant. Sun’s efforts with Java showed how amateurish and underfinanced every previous effort to establish a (more or less) general-purpose language had been. The U.S. Department of Defense’s efforts to establish Ada as a dominant language was a sharp contrast, as were the unfinanced efforts by me and my friends to establish C++.
I can’t say that I approve of some of the Java tactics, such as selling top-down to nonprogramming executives, but it shows what can be done. Noncorporate successes include the Python and Perl communities. The successes at community building around C++ have been too few and too limited, given the size of the community. The ACCU conferences are great, but why haven’t there been a continuous series of huge international C++ conferences since 1986 or so? The Boost libraries are great, but why hasn’t there been a central repository for C++ libraries since 1986 or so? There are thousands of open source C++ libraries in use. I don’t even know of a comprehensive list of commercial C++ libraries. I won’t start answering those questions, but will just point out that any new language must somehow manage the centrifugal forces in a large community, or suffer pretty severe consequences.
A general-purpose language needs the input from and approval of several communities, such as, industrial programmers, educators, academic researchers, industrial researchers, and the open source community. These communities are not disjoint, but individual subcommunities often see themselves as self-sufficient, in possession of knowledge of what is right and in conflict with other communities that for some reason “don’t get it.” This can be a significant practical problem. For example, parts of the open source community have opposed the use of C++ because “it’s a Microsoft language” (it isn’t) or “AT&T owns it” (it doesn’t), whereas some major industrial players have considered it a problem with C++ that they don’t own it.
This really crucial problem here is that many subcommunities push a limited and parochial view of “what programming really is” and “what is really needed”: “if everybody just did things the right way, there’d be no problem.” The real problem is to balance the various needs to create a larger and more varied community. As people grow and face new challenges, the generality and flexibility of a language start to matter more than providing optimal solutions to a limited range of problems.
To get to technical points, I still think that a flexible, extensible, and general static type system is great. My reading of the C++ experience reinforces that view. I am also very keen on genuine local variables of user-defined types: the C++ techniques for handling general resources based on scoped variables have been very effective compared to just about anything. Constructors and destructors, often used together with RAII, can yield very elegant and efficient code.
Source of Information : Oreilly - Masterminds of Programming
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