Python is a modern, general-purpose, high-level language developed by Guido van Rossum as a result of his work with the ABC programming language. Python’s philosophy is pragmatic; its users often speak of the Zen of Python, strongly preferring a single obvious way to accomplish any task. Ports exist for VMssuch as Microsoft’s CLR and the JVM, but the primary implementation is CPython, still developed by van Rossumandother volunteers,whojust released Python 3.0, abackward-incompatible rethinking of parts of the language and its core libraries.
What differences are there between developing a programming language and developing a “common” software project?
Guido van Rossum: More than with most software projects, your most important users are programmers themselves. This gives a language project a high level of “meta” content. In the dependency tree of software projects, programming languages are pretty much at the bottom—everything else depends on one or more languages. This also makes it hard to change a language—an incompatible change affects so many dependents that it’s usually just not feasible. In other words, all mistakes, once released, are cast in stone. The ultimate example of this is probably C++, which is burdened with compatibility requirements that effectively require code written maybe 20 years ago to be still valid.
How do you debug a language?
Guido: You don’t. Language design is one area where agile development methodologies just don’t make sense—until the language is stable, few people want to use it, and you won’t find the bugs in the language definition until you have so many users that it’s too late to change things.
Of course there’s plenty in the implementation that can be debugged like any old program, but the language design itself pretty much requires careful design up front, because the cost of bugs is so exorbitant.
How do you decide when a feature should go in a library as an extension or when it
needs to have support from the core language?
Guido: Historically, I’ve had a pretty good answer for that. One thing I noticed very early on was that everybody wants their favorite feature added to the language, and most people are relatively inexperienced about language design. Everybody is always proposing “let’s add this to the language,” “let’s have a statement that does X.” In many cases, the answer is, “Well, you can already do X or something almost like X by writing these two or three lines of code, and it’s not all that difficult.” You can use a dictionary, or you can combine a list and a tuple and a regular expression, or write a little metaclass—all of those things. I may even have had the original version of this answer from Linus, who seems to have a similar philosophy.
Telling people you can already do that and here is how is a first line of defense. The second thing is, “Well, that’s a useful thing and we can probably write or you can probably write your own module or class, and encapsulate that particular bit of abstraction.” Then the next line of defense is, “OK, this looks so interesting and useful that we’ll actually accept it as a new addition to the standard library, and it’s going to be pure Python.” And then, finally, there are things that just aren’t easy to do in pure Python and we’ll suggest or recommend how to turn them into a C extension. The C extensions are the last line of defense before we have to admit, “Well, yeah, this is so useful and you really cannot do this, so we’ll have to change the language.”
There are other criteria that determine whether it makes more sense to add something to the language or it makes more sense to add something to the library, because if it has to do with the semantics of namespaces or that kind of stuff, there’s really nothing you can do besides changing the language. On the other hand, the extension mechanism was made powerful enough that there is an amazing amount of stuff you can do from C code that extends the library and possibly even adds new built-in functionality without actually changing the language. The parser doesn’t change. The parse tree doesn’t change. The documentation for the language doesn’t change. All your tools still work, and yet you have added new functionality to your system.
Source of Information : Oreilly - Masterminds of Programming
What differences are there between developing a programming language and developing a “common” software project?
Guido van Rossum: More than with most software projects, your most important users are programmers themselves. This gives a language project a high level of “meta” content. In the dependency tree of software projects, programming languages are pretty much at the bottom—everything else depends on one or more languages. This also makes it hard to change a language—an incompatible change affects so many dependents that it’s usually just not feasible. In other words, all mistakes, once released, are cast in stone. The ultimate example of this is probably C++, which is burdened with compatibility requirements that effectively require code written maybe 20 years ago to be still valid.
How do you debug a language?
Guido: You don’t. Language design is one area where agile development methodologies just don’t make sense—until the language is stable, few people want to use it, and you won’t find the bugs in the language definition until you have so many users that it’s too late to change things.
Of course there’s plenty in the implementation that can be debugged like any old program, but the language design itself pretty much requires careful design up front, because the cost of bugs is so exorbitant.
How do you decide when a feature should go in a library as an extension or when it
needs to have support from the core language?
Guido: Historically, I’ve had a pretty good answer for that. One thing I noticed very early on was that everybody wants their favorite feature added to the language, and most people are relatively inexperienced about language design. Everybody is always proposing “let’s add this to the language,” “let’s have a statement that does X.” In many cases, the answer is, “Well, you can already do X or something almost like X by writing these two or three lines of code, and it’s not all that difficult.” You can use a dictionary, or you can combine a list and a tuple and a regular expression, or write a little metaclass—all of those things. I may even have had the original version of this answer from Linus, who seems to have a similar philosophy.
Telling people you can already do that and here is how is a first line of defense. The second thing is, “Well, that’s a useful thing and we can probably write or you can probably write your own module or class, and encapsulate that particular bit of abstraction.” Then the next line of defense is, “OK, this looks so interesting and useful that we’ll actually accept it as a new addition to the standard library, and it’s going to be pure Python.” And then, finally, there are things that just aren’t easy to do in pure Python and we’ll suggest or recommend how to turn them into a C extension. The C extensions are the last line of defense before we have to admit, “Well, yeah, this is so useful and you really cannot do this, so we’ll have to change the language.”
There are other criteria that determine whether it makes more sense to add something to the language or it makes more sense to add something to the library, because if it has to do with the semantics of namespaces or that kind of stuff, there’s really nothing you can do besides changing the language. On the other hand, the extension mechanism was made powerful enough that there is an amazing amount of stuff you can do from C code that extends the library and possibly even adds new built-in functionality without actually changing the language. The parser doesn’t change. The parse tree doesn’t change. The documentation for the language doesn’t change. All your tools still work, and yet you have added new functionality to your system.
Source of Information : Oreilly - Masterminds of Programming
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